How to register on Our classifieds website
1. Click on the red button in the top right corner (with an arrow and the label "Sign-in").
2. When a small window with a login form appears, find the "Sign-up" button in the bottom right corner of this window.
3. Fill out the form by entering your desired username, email address, and password.
4. Re-enter your password.
5. Ensure that you agree to the site rules by checking the red checkmark box next to this item.
6. Click on the red button labeled "Next."
7. Enter the security code from the email sent to the email address you provided.
8. If you have not received the security code, you can request it to be resent exactly one minute later.
9. After entering the security code into the appropriate field, click on the red button labeled "Next," located just below.
10. If all previous steps were completed correctly, you will be on the Profile Settings page, where you can add a photo, description of your profile, a link to your website, and your phone number.
11. Also on this page is your personal referral link, which you can copy by highlighting the area and then paste it into a message, email, or publication on a page/group.
12. At the bottom of this same page, the color spectrum allows you to customize the site's appearance according to your color preferences.
We wish you a pleasant and productive use of our classified ads website!